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Monday, December 04, 2006

Monday, December 4th

Do Now: Define the following terms: extrusive, felsic, intrusive, mafic
Give an example of the following types of igneous rocks:
1. Intrusive felsic 2. Intrusive mafic 3. Extrusive felsic 4. Extrusive mafic

Today in class we:
Reviewed igneous rocks
Discussed and viewed sedimentary rocks

Homework: pg 156 section review #1-3

FALL SEMESTER FINAL REVIEW can be found on line at the following address


Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Tuesday, November 28th

Do Now:
What is a rock? What are rocks made of? What different types of rocks do you know?

Today in class we:
- Returned Mineral Quizzes and reviewed and corrected them.
- Began discussion of the characteristics of rocks

Homework due Thursday:
- Section Review pg 47

Extra Credit opportunity
Perform the consumer lab on pgs 36 and 37 in text book.
Turn in a lab write including hypothesis, materials, procedure, data, and analysis as well as answer the questions associated with the lab.

All missing, incomplete, and extra credit work due next Friday, December 8th.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Wednesday, November 22nd

Today in class we:

Took Mineral Quiz

Happy Thanksgiving . . . . . gobble gobble gobble

Monday, November 20, 2006

Tuesday 11/14, Thursday 11/16, Monday 11/20

My apologizes for not updating this site in the last week, lets get caught up.

Tuesday in class we:
- Looked at properties of minerals used for identification such as luster, hardness, cleavage, and color.
- Looked at mineral samples as a class.

Thursday in class we:
- Began mineral identification lab with partners
- Students should have cataloged the properties of their 12 unknown minerals

Monday in class we:
- Discussed where minerals form such as from magma, lava, evaporation, and deposition in veins
- Continued mineral classification lab - students should have identified their minerals today, anything unfinished needs to be done at lunch or break time.
- Study for Wednesday's quiz

- pg 127 Section Review #1-2 (Mineral Formation Section)
- Study for quiz; including mineral properties, periodic table, mineral identification characteristics, mineral formation
- Finish identification of unknown minerals from mineral lab

Monday, November 06, 2006

Monday, November 6th

Do Now:
Explain what makes copper and quartz minerals.
Are plastic and wood considered minerals? Why or why not?

Today in class we:
-Handed back and reviewed geologic time scale test
- Began unit on Minerals; discussed properties of minerals

- Make test corrections
- Have binder ready to turn in on Thursday

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Thursday, November 2nd

Today in cl ass we:
- Turned in old text books and handed out new text books
- Watched "Before the Dinosaurs: Walking with Monsters" BBC Video

Homework due Monday
- Cover text book
- Read Chapter 4 Section 1 on minerals and answer questions 1 and 2 on pg 122

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Wednesday, October 25th

Today in class we:
Presented group timelines to the class

Geologic Time Review due Friday

* Test on Tuesday

If you need another copy of the review you can find it at Geologic Time Review

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Thursday, October 19th

Do Now: pg 144 Life and Times exercise

Today in class we:
- Discussed the Mesozoic and Cenozoic Eras
- Worked on group timelines.

Finish group timelines
Pg 145 #2 and 3

Upcoming class events:
Monday: 2nd period will participate in today's lesson, 3rd period ITBS
Wednesday: Group presentations on Geologic time periods
Friday: Review for geologic time test
Tuesday 10/31: Test on geologic time

Monday, October 16, 2006

For information on Sunday's earthquake. . . .

Newsweek Article: CLICK HERE
USGS Earthquake Headquarters:

Monday, October 16th

Do Now: List the periods involved in the Paleozoic Era. Describe one event that occured during each period of the Era.

Today in class we:
- worked in jigsaw groups on group time line.

**** Time line will be worked on again in class on Thursday , and will be due Monday.
Presentations due on Monday, review Wednesday, test next Friday

Geologic Timeline - Group Project Assignment

Goal: To make and use a model of the Earth’s geologic timescale


A long piece of white paper or string, pencil, colored pencils, tape or glue


Make a timeline at a scale of 1 millimeter (mm) = 1 million years, or 1 meter = 1 billion years.

  1. Tape the paper/ string to the wall or floor

  2. Make all markings with pencil first, starting with a vertical line near the left-hand end of the ribbon. Label the mark 0, for today.

  3. Moving to the right, make vertical lines for 1, 2, 3, 4 bya at the proper intervals. Label your marks.

  4. On the scale measure off and mark the boundaries for the Hadean Era, Archean Era, Proterozoic Era, Paleozoic Era, Mesozoic Era, and Cenozoic Era.

  5. Label the time periods within the Phanerozoic Eon at the appropriate intervals.

  6. As a group, decide the method you will use to incorporate at least two descriptive illustrations from each Era onto your timeline.

  7. Make sure your timeline is legible and finished quality, with all periods properly labeled at the appropriate intervals. Use your creative touch.


Stand back and view the time line. Write a paragraph expressing your conclusions about geologic time. What do you know about Earth’s history? What do you know about human’s time on Earth?

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Thursday, October 12th

Do Now: What are three theories that explain how the moon formed? Which do you think is the best theory and why?

Today in class we:
- Discussed the Proterozoic Period and the Paleozoic Era
- Work time on group time line and homework
- Quarter grade check

Homework due Monday, October 15th
- 2 to 3 illustrated descriptions of events in your time period to be incorporated into a group time line.
- Read pgs 134-137. Answer #1 on pg 145 and do the Math Analysis on pg 137

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Wednesday, October 4th

Today in class we:
Worked in the library on geologic time webquest.

For Friday:
Come to class with materials for brochure and class timeline
Be prepared to turn in your binder for a binder check

Monday, October 02, 2006

Monday, October 2nd

Today in class we:
- finished in jigsaw groups discussing geologic eras
- discussed creation and design of group timeline and individual time travel brochure assignment
- Class discussion of events of the Hadean and Archean periods

-Come to class Wednesday and Friday prepared to work on brochures and time line components.

Pg 133 section review # 2 and 3 all
Thinking and working on time travel brochure. Need one additional resource to add to information you already know about your time period

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Wednesday, September 27th

Today in class we:
Worked in jigsaw groups on chosen geologic era
Broke into new groups to teach and learn about the different geologic eras
Introduced Geologic Time Travel project

Find one additional source of information for your geologic time scale
Complete worksheets on collected research data and brochure design

Monday, September 25, 2006

Monday, September 25th

Do Now:How have scientist’s ideas of early Earth changed?
What findings contributed to scientists new ideas?
How is this an example of the scientific method?

Today in class we:
- Reviewed the divisions of geologic time
- Picked eras for research and project
- Worked on jigsaw reading of chosen era

Homework for Wednesday
- Finish reading on chosen era, pick out important events and place on the time scale
_ Be prepared to present to jigsaw group on Wednesday

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Wednesday, September 13th

Do Now: What are some ways in which we measure time? List at least 5 ways in which we measure time and give an example of an event that would be measured by that unit of time.

Today in class we:
Discussed measurements of time from nanoseconds to eons and days to light years
Discussed geologic time scale
Worked on metric system lab

Reminder: Notebooks due on Friday, homework is to complete any late or missing work and organize binder to turn in.
You will have classtime Friday to finish metric lab, anything not finished will be up to you to do during lunch or afterschool.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Monday, September 11th

Do Now:
What metric units would you use to measure the following: weight of an ant, glass of lemonade, trip to New York, your height, the water in a catchment tank, a car, weight of a baseball.

In class today we:
Discussed lab techniques for measuring volume: read from bottom of meniscus, measuring volume of irregular object
Worked on metric labs

* Reminder to all students, binders will be collected on Friday. Be sure everything is organized, labeled, dated, and completed by Friday

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Tuesday, September 5th

Today in class we:
- Handed back and reviewed test
- Self evaluated quarter progress: how are you doing? What can you be doing better? How are you progressing toward your quarter goal.
- Handed out Metric Mania Lab sheets
- Discussed Metric System, base units, metric ladder, and rules for conversion

Make test corrections on seperate paper and place behind test in tests and quizzes section of binder

Monday, August 28, 2006

Monday, August 28th

Today in class we:
Reviewed for Wednesday's test

Homework: Study study study!
Recommended (not required)for review
pg33: Concept Map, 1-3, 6-10
pg34: 12, 14, 16,17, 19, 20,23,24,25

Test review during small break on Wednesday for all interested students

Sunday, August 27, 2006


This footage was captured in Southern Minnesota last week as a severe storm cell passed over the state.
You need QuickTime or Realplayer to view this footage. Enjoy and be amazed!
MN Tornado Footage

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Thursday August 24th

Do Now:Convert the following scales into actual distances on the globe.
Scale: 1/60,000
7.5 cm on map = _____ cm on Earth
12 cm on map = _____cm on Earth
23cm on map = _____ cm on Earth
* Challenge, convert cm to meters or kilometers

Today in class we:
Practiced converting map scales to actual distances
Worked on reading topographic map lab: 7.5' quadrangle, latitude and longitude, landforms and features, elevation and relief

Homework due Monday:
Finish topographic profile on pg 3 of lab. Have lab ready to be turned in.

* Reminder, Test on maps and landforms Wednesday August 30th

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Tuesday, August 22nd

Today in class we:
- Handed back and discussed binders
- Discussed topographic maps and creating topographic profile
- Worked in groups looking at Hilo 7.5' Quadrangle map lab

Homework for Thursday:
- Complete questions at the end of section 4 chapter 1: 1 and 2 all

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Tuesday, August 15th

DO NOW: Explain how information on a map differs from information on a globe. Which representation is more accurate? Why?

Today in class we:
Discussed concepts of globes as representations for Earth.
Explored lines of latitude and longitude and how they work as reference points
Worked on latitude and longitude activity in class.

Organize science binder and have it ready to turn in on Thursday
Complete question 2 a-c on page 19.

Parents: Have your student show you the new homework logs located on the first page in their science binder. This will provide both you and your student with information on their progress in science class.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Friday, August 11th

Do Now:
What information can we get from maps? Are there different kinds of maps? If so, what types of maps have you seen or used and what information did they provide you?

In class today we:
-Reviewed landforms with North America outline map
-Discussed different types of maps
- Discussed reference information on maps; key, scale, compass rose

Homework due Tuesday:
- Worksheet #1 on landforms (handout section of notebook)
- Worksheet #2 on mountains (answer questions on binder paper and store in homework section)
- Draw a map of your choice (I suggest you pick something small and manageable)
Your map must include the following
1. Title
2. Key that includes everything on your map
3. Scale; accurate scale of the space that you choose to map ( 1:5 cm/m)
4. Compass rose - orient your map as accurately as you can, remember the ocean and mountains are good reference points

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Wednesday, Aug 9th

Do Now:
Create a list of landforms that can be found on the Big Island

Today in class we:
Discussed surface features such as topography, relief, elevation, and landforms.
Talked about the three major landform types and many of the minor landforms
Brainstorms list of Big Island landform features

Pg 10 question 2a-c

* Remember to start off the year organized. Make sure all your Do Nows are stored in the Do Now section, Classnotes in the Classnote section, and Homework in the Homework section of your notebook.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Monday, August 7th

Do Now:
Make four lists labeled Air, Water, Space and Land. Under each heading, list as many "Earth Science" related things as you can think of.

Today in class we:
Collected parent-student signed letters
Checked all class materials
20 questions introduction game and seating assignment
Handed out text books
Discussed class policies and procedures

Homework due Wednesday
Cover textbooks
Read pages 6-10
Answer question 1 a-c on page 10

* Reminder: Homework is to be labeled and dated on binder paper and be stored in the homework section of your science binder

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Thursday, August 3rd

Congratulations on a successful first day of class. Today in class we completed a student survey, handed out and briefly discussed the class syllabus, and handed out parent-student letter.

Homework due Monday:
- All required class materials present in class on Monday
- Signed and completed parent-student letter

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Welcome Back

Welcome to 8th grade Earth Science class with Ms. Virkus.
Check this site for updates on homework assignments and class happenings.
More to come as the school year nears!

Some Earth science trivia to get the brain moving:
Are Europe and North America moving closer together, further apart, or staying where they are?