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Friday, December 07, 2007

The Rock Cycle

Do Now: What are three factors that influence the formation of metamorphic rocks? What is the difference between low, intermediate, and high grade metamorphism?

Today in class we:
Finished discussion of metamorphic rocks
Discussed relationship between rocks through the rock cycle
See animation on rock cycle under internet resources on the side bar

A Tour Through the Rock Cycle Worksheet
Study for Rock Unit quiz

Semester Exam Review Now Posted !!!! Start your studying early!!!

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Metamorphic Rocks

Do Now:
Explain the difference between clastic, organic, and chemical sedimentary rocks. Give an example of each

Today in class we:
- Finished discussion of sedimentary rocks
- Began discussion of metamorphic rocks

pg 162 Section 5 Assessment

November 30th, 2007
Sedimentary Rocks

Do Now:
Discuss two ways in which you can determine whether an igneous rock is intrusive or extrusive and whether it is mafic or felsic in composition.

Today in class we:
Discussed different types of sedimentary rocks and how we classify sedimentary rocks.

pg 151 Section 2 Assesment

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Igneous Rocks

Describe what is meant by the grain of a rock and 3 ways in which grain can be used to describe the texture of a rock.

Today in class we:
Discussed the location, texture, and composition of igneous rocks
Looked at various examples of igneous rocks including granite, gabbro, basalt, rhyolite, pumice, and obsidian

Homework due Friday:
- pg 150 Data Analysis, pg 151 Section Review 1-2 all

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Introduction to Rocks

In class today we:

Handed back and reviewed mineral quiz
Handed in How Minerals Form homework
Began discussion of rocks, how rocks are classified, and the 3 main classifications of rocks
Worked on finishing mineral lab

Homework due Wednesday:
Completed mineral lab due at end of class on Wednesday

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Mineral Quiz and Identification Lab

Today in class we:
Took quiz on minerals
Continued work on mineral identification lab

Homework over Thanksgiving break - Due Tuesday, November 27th
- Read section 4.2: How Minerals Form
- Complete reading review worksheet handed out in class

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Mineral Identification Lab

Do Now:
Do practice problem on pg 118: Mineral Density

Today in class we discussed:
- Mineral properties cleavage and fracture
- Special properties of minerals including magnetism, optical properties, and effervescence

Began Mineral identification lab

Study notes and labs from Chemistry of Minerals and Introduction to Minerals for Monday's quiz

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Properties of Minerals II

Today in class we:
Watched Eyewitness Video: Rock and Mineral
Continued discussion of properties of minerals including hardness, density, cleavage and fracture, and special properties.

Homework due Thursday:
Math Analyzing Data: Mineral Density #1-6 on pg 119 of text book

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Properties of Minerals

Today in class we:

Worked on Mineral Madness worksheet (handed in) to practice using the periodic table of elements and reading chemical formulas

Began discussion of properties of minerals including color, luster, and streak

No homework over the long weekend! Enjoy

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Introduction to Minerals

Today in class we:
Turned in old textbooks and received Inside Earth edition textbooks
Discussed the basic units of minerals - atoms: components of an atom, atomic number, mass, and symbols.

Read Chapter 4, Section 1: Properties of Minerals
Complete Section 1 Assessment (1-3) on pg 122

Friday, November 02, 2007

Chased by dinosaurs!

Today in class we:
Handed in old text books, "Earth's Changing Surface" for new text book "Inside Earth"
Handed back and reviewed geologic time tests
Watched BBC production "Chased by Dinosaurs"

Make typed test corrections due Tuesday for a possible 1/4 point back on each missed question
Cover new text book
Read Chapter 4.1: Minerals and complete the 4.1 section review

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


How did the element strontium--also known by the symbol SR and the atomic number 38--get its name?
A: From Strontian, the Scottish mining village in which it was discovered

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Geologic Time Review

Do Now:
Write 3 good test questions on geologic time, include your answers to the questions.

Today in class we:
- Reviewed geologic time material

Geologic Time Review handout - Due at the test on Monday

Study session:
Students can come early on Monday morning for a study session in Rm 411 from 7:15 to 7:45. Bring questions and material you want to review

Friday, October 19, 2007

Mesozoic and Cenozoic Eras

* While the 7th and 8th graders are participating in the ITBS Testing, regular class schedules will be slightly interrupted. Classes will resume normal schedule on Monday, Oct 29th.

Do Now:
List all the eras of the phanerozoic eon. For each era list all of the periods from oldest to most recent. Describe two events that took place during each of these periods

In class we:
- Discussed the Mesozoic and Cenozoic Eras (see PPT link to download this lecture)
- Worked in groups to design geologic time review cards

Bring a completed set of review cards with you to the next class

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Paleozoic Era

Do Now:
What main event occured between the Proterozoic and Cambrian Periods?
List the periods of the Paleozoic Era

Today in class we:
- Finished discussion of the Paleozoic Era (see ppt link on sidebar)
- Began presentations of geologic time travel brochures

Monday, October 08, 2007

Phanerozoic Eon: Paleozoic Era

Today in class we:
Took quiz on PreCambrian Eon
Turned in review work and Geologic Time Brochures

Discussed the begining of the Paleozoic Era: Cambrian, Ordivician, Silurian periods

Homework due Wednesday:
pg 137: Math Analyzing Data # 1-4
pg 145: #1 a-c

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

PreCambrian Eon

Do Now: Put the following events in order from oldest to most recent and label each with its appropriate Era.
- 1st mass extinction
- 1st atmosphere
- oceans form
- first stable continents
- 2nd atmosphere
- bacteria and archaea dominate
- photosynthetic bacteria evolve
- formation of the solar system

Today in class:
- Reviewed Precambrian eon
- Reviewed relative and absolute time
- Discussed theories for the formation of the moon

Due Monday, October 8th
- Precambrian Eon Quiz Review
- Geologic Time Travel Brochure

Monday - Quiz on Precambrian Eon, Geologic Time Scales, Relative vs. Absolute Age

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

PreCambrian Eon

Today in class we:
- Worked in groups on Precambrian Eon jigsaw readings
- Presented findings on Hadean, Archaean, and Proterozoic Eras

- Work on geologic time travel brochures - Due Monday

September 27th:

In class:
Created graph organizer for geologic time unit
Began working in groups on jigsaw reading: Hadean, Archaean, or Proterozoic Era

Read pgs 131-133: Answer questions 1-3 on pg 133

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

September 18th

Do Now:
How do geologists gather evidence about the events that have occurred throughout Earth's History?

Today in class we:
- Discussed geologic time
- Discussed evidence for geologic events
- Introduced Geologic Time Travel Project
- Worked on personal time line

Homework: Finish personal time line activity

Monday, September 10, 2007

September 10th

Do Now (on given graph paper)
1. Your map is a 7.5 minute quadrangle. Label the range of your maps latitude and longitude.
2. Orient your map to North and draw in the cardinal directions.
3. Draw contour lines that follow these specifications.
a. Highest elevation = 1200m
b. Lowest elevation = 600m
c. Contour interval = 20 m
d. A river runs from the NW corner to the E edge of the map
e. There is a hill in the NW corner of the map
f. A road runs along the S border of the map
g. There is a small town in the SE corner of the map
4. Include a key for your map

Today in class we:
Reviewed for Wednesday's Mapping Earth's surface test

Wednesday morning review session: 7:15 to the bell
- Bring some breakfast to share
- Come prepared with questions

Thursday, September 06, 2007

September 6th

Do Now:
Label the parts of a compass
1. What are the degrees associated with the cardinal directions?
2. Draw 3 landform features you may find on a topographic map.
3. Describe how you would orient a map to North in order to take an accurate bearing reading.

Today in class we:
Worked on Hilo Map Lab
Worked on Map and Compass activity

Homework due Monday
- Chapter 1: Maps Review Sheet
- Hilo Map Lab

* Upcoming: Test on Chapter 1 on Wednesday

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Tuesday, September 4th

Today in class we:
- Reviewed topographic map features and reading skills
- Learned the parts of a compass, taking a bearing, and using the map and compass together
- Practiced map and compass work

Upcoming events
- Thursday: Finish Reading Hilo Map Lab
*Practice map and compass work
- Monday: Review for Map test
- Wednesday: Map test

Monday, August 27, 2007

August 27th

Do Now:
What are contour lines and contour intervals. What do they tell us about the landscape of an area?

Today in class we:
- Discussed features of a topographic map: contour intervals, map features (hills, slope, rivers, depressions)
- Worked with and practiced measuring in degrees, minutes, and seconds.

Degrees and Minutes practice worksheet

Extra Credit opportunity
Lunar Eclipse Viewing or Research Opportunity

Option 1:
- View the lunar eclipse
- Record the date, time, weather conditions, and observations for the evening
- Make 5 sketches of the eclipse noting the time and observations about the moon.

Option 2:
- Research and write a one page summary of lunar eclipses that answers these questions
1. What is a lunar eclipse?
2. When was the last time the United States saw a total lunar eclipse?
3. How often do they occur?
- Make a drawing of a lunar eclipse that includes the sun, moon, and Earth

Thursday, August 23, 2007

August 23rd

Do Now:
How do cartographers express elevation and relief on a flat map? Be a cartographer and draw a map that shows these characteristics of topography.

Today in class we:
- Handed back and reviewed quiz
- Began discussion of topographic maps

Homework due Monday:
- Read Section 4 in Chapter 1 and answer Questions 1-3 at the end of the section

Thursday, August 16, 2007

August 16th

Do Now:
1. You are going on a hike in the Rocky Mountains. You want to see how far two peaks are apart. The scale on your map reads 1:10000 and you measure 8cm on your map. How far apart are the peaks in km?
8cm x 10,000 = 80,000cm 80,000cm x 1m/100cm x 1km/1000m = .8km
2. To hike to the top of the first peak you would travel from 1000m in elevation to a peak height of 12,500m over 5km. What is the relief of the journey and what is the slope of the hike?
12,500-1000 = 11,500m relief
slope = 11,500m/ 5000m = 2.3 slope

Today in class we:
Discussed latitude and longitude, practiced plotting points on a grid system

Mapping the world activity
Study Chapter 1 Sections 1 and 2 for quiz on Tuesday

Sunday, August 12, 2007

August 10th

Do Now:
What kinds of information can you get from a map? How do maps differ from globes?

Today in class we:
- Reviewed and finished the Nile River Profile project
- discussed maps, keys, and scale

Homework due Tuesday 8/14
Read Chapter 1 section 2 (exclude map projections)
Answer questions 1, 2, 4 of the section 2 assessment

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

August 8th

Do Now:
Draw a landform with high relief; a landform with low relief.
What does it mean to have high elevation and high relief? What about high elevation and low relief?

Today in class we discussed:
Relief and topography
Worked on graphing the profile of the Nile River

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Monday, August 6th

Do Now:
Make 4 columns labeled Air, Water, Space, and Land. List as many things as you can under each column that relate to the study of Earth Science.

In class today we:
- discussed the study of Earth Science
- seating assignment
- discussed topography as it relates to relief, elevation, and landforms

Homework: Due Wed. 8/8
- Read pg 6-10
- Section 1 Assessment (pg10) 1-2 all

Friday, August 03, 2007

Welcome Back Students

Welcome to Earth Science Class!

Do Now for 8/2
Who Are You?
1. Tell me one thing you did this summer?
2. Tell me one thing you are hoping to learn in this class?
3. Tell me one thing you like to do outside of class?

Grade Contract
1. What grade will you strive to earn for 1st quarter?
2. Give 3 specific ways in which you work toward your grade goal.
3. Give 3 specific ways that Ms. Virkus can help you achieve this goal.

Homework due Monday 8/6
- Cover text book
- Return signed parent letter
- Bring all materials to class

Friday, May 18, 2007

Spring Semester Final Review

Final Review is here!

Begin reviewing now!
In class review Tuesday 5/21 and Thursday 5/23

Extra Credit due Thursday 5/23
- Write a test based on spring semester material
- Test must be composed of 30 questions; questions can be a combination of multiple choice, T/F, matching, short answer, fill in the blank
- Test must be typed
- Complete answer key must be provided
- Print a copy to turn in and one to keep for your own studies

Finals week breakfast review potluck
Period 2: Tuesday 5/29; 7:15 am study session and breakfast pot luck. Bring something to share
Period 3:
Tuesday 5/29; 7:15 am study session and breakfast pot luck. Bring something to share

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Tuesday 5/15 and Thursday 5/17

In class this week we:

Worked on viscosity lab
Discussed types of eruptions, life cycle of volcanoes, anatomy of volcanoes, and types of volcanoes
Check out footage of Discovery Channel's Krakatoa Special

Thursday: Quiz on volcanoes

Stay posted for final review material

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Thursday, May 11th

Upcoming Schedule:

Tuesday and Thursday, May 15th and 19th: Finish unit on volcanoes
Thursday,May 19th: All missing work due today!!!!!!!!!!!!!
uesday and Thursday, May 22nd and 24th: In class review

Tuesday, May 29th: Period 2 Final
7:15 Morning review session and breakfast potluck (Bring something to share!)

Wednesday, May 30th: Period 3 Final
7:15 Morning review session and breakfast potluck (Bring something to share!)

Today in class we:
Discussed characteristics of magma
Continued work on viscosity lab

Homework due Tuesday:
Section 3 and 4 review of volcano chapter

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Tuesday, May 8th

Do Now:
Why do earthquakes erupt?
Draw a volcano and label its parts

Today in class we:
- Discussed physical and chemical properties
- Discussed the property of viscosity (click link to view viscocity video)
- Started viscosity lab

Two worksheets on volcanoes and magma properties

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Tuesday, May 1st

Do Now:
How are volcanoes related to plate tectonics? List as many volcanoes as you can and what type of tectonic boundary it is related to.

Today in class we:
Handed back earthquake tests
Began discussion of volcanoes: Volcanoes and plate tectonics

Homework due Friday
pg 85 1-2 all
pg 90 1-3 all
pg 89 Math Analysis

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Monday 4/23 and Wednesday 4/25

Earthquake Test

Viewed National Geographic's :Everest

No homework

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Earthquake Test Review

Find a copy of the review here

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Tuesday, April 17th

Do Now:
Are Earthquakes predictable? Explain your answer.

Today in class we:
Discussed damage related to earthquakes including: landslides, structural damage, liquefaction, and tsunami
Discussed retrofitting and how to design earthquake resistant buildings
Watched video clip on earthquake predictability

Finish the retrofitting and post lab portions of the Earthquake Shake Lab

Monday, April 16, 2007

Friday, April 13th

Today in class:

What a fun and exciting day in class!

Earthquake Lab: Students worked in groups to construct buildings that would survive our earthquake
Stay tuned for pictures

Homework for Tuesday:
Come to class with your lab handout
Have the following parts completed: 1. Design drawing of your building 2. Justification for your building 3. Analysis of how your building stood up to the earthquake.

Revised upcoming schedule
Finish earthquake material
Review earthquake material
Test on earthquake material

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Monday, April 11th

Do Now:
How do geologists determine risk of earthquakes? In what ways can Earthquakes cause damage? List as many things as you can think of.

Today in class we:
Discussed determining earthquake risk and damage caused by earthquakes: shaking, liquefaction, aftershocks, and tsunamis.
Prepared for Friday's lab

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Tuesday, April 3rd

Today in class we:
Discussed extra credit opportunities (see below)
Reviewed Earthquake quizzes
Worked on Seismic wave activity (due Thursday)
New homework logs and grade checks

Extra credit opportunities

1. Build a seismograph - follow directions on pg 66 of the textbook
Bring in seismograph and complete the lab analysis and conclusion
seismograph must be no larger than 12 x 12 inches
Due Friday, April 13th

Build an Earthquake Machine

See building specificiations at Earthquake Machine
Due Friday, April 13th

3. Earth Day Fair Poster exhibit
Create a poster on lightweight posterboard that examines a conservation or environmental topic of your choice. Your poster should be a well done, finished product that informs the public about your topic. Some research and planning should go into this project
Due Wednesday, April 11th

Tuesday, April 3rd

Today in class we:
Discussed extra credit opportunities (see below)
Reviewed Earthquake quizzes
Worked on Seismic wave activity (due Thursday)
New homework logs and grade checks

Extra credit opportunities

1. Build a seismograph - follow directions on pg 66 of the textbook
Bring in seismograph and complete the lab analysis and conclusion
seismograph must be no larger than 12 x 12 inches
Due Friday, April 13th

Build an Earthquake Machine

See building specificiations at Earthquake Machine
Due Friday, April 13th

3. Earth Day Fair Poster exhibit
Create a poster on lightweight posterboard that examines a conservation or environmental topic of your choice. Your poster should be a well done, finished product that informs the public about your topic. Some research and planning should go into this project
Due Wednesday, April 11th

Friday, March 09, 2007

Wednesday, March 7th

Do Now:
Draw a normal, reverse and strike slip. List what type of plate boundaries each fault is associated with.

Today in class we:
Discussed strike slip faults
Began working on fault activity

Monday, March 4th

Today in class we:

Discussed the ideas of stress (compression, tension, shearing) and faults (normal fault, reverse fault, strike slip fault) in relation to earthquakes

Finish earthquake webquest

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Monday February 26th and Wednesday, February 28th

In class you will be working on an Earthquake Webquest (click link to download a copy)

Homework due Tuesday, March 4th:

Read pg 162-175 and complete section 1 and 2 review, all.
Completed Earthquake Webquest

Extra Credit:

Writing in Science on pg 175; write a one page news report following the guidelines on pg 175. You will give the report to the class next week. Due Tuesday.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Tuesday, February 21st

Field Trip to Imiloa Astronomy Center of Hawaii

Update on last week events:

Tuesday: Test on Earth's Interior and Plate Tectonics

Thursday: Watched first part of the movie "The Core"

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Wednesday, February 7th

Do Now:
1. Draw a convection current. Label the hottest, coldest, most dense and least dense parts of the current
2.Explain 3 pieces of evidence for seafloor spreading . Explain where the youngest and oldest ocean crust forms.
3. Draw 3 tupes of plate boundaries. Give a real life example of each boundary type. Tell what type of landform or event is associated with each plate boundary.

Today in class we:
Worked on Push Those Plate Tectonics Lab

Finish Lab write up and turn in on Friday
Finish plotting earthquake and volcano points on Plate Tectonic activity due Friday

Plate Tectonics Test Review

Monday, February 05, 2007

Monday, February 5th Plate Tectonics

Do Now: What are crustal plates? Name three types of plate boundaries and explain how they move.

Today in class we:
Discussed divergent, convergent (ocean-ocean, ocean-continent, and continent-continent), and transform plate boundaries.
Began work on plotting earthquakes and volcanoes activity

Upcoming schedule:
Wednesday: Plate Tectonic Lab
Friday: Review for test
Tuesday: Test on Earth's interior and Plate Tectonics

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Thursday, February 1st Sea Floor Spreading

Do Now:
Diagram sea floor spreading. Label all parts including rift zone, spreading direction, oldest and youngest crust, mantle, ocean crust, continental crust

Today in class we:
Discussed evidence for seafloor spreading
Discussed recycling of ocean crust through subduction

Questions 1-3 on pg 36 due Monday

* For more on sea floor spreading check out the following websites
Essentials of Geology Animations
NOAA Ocean Explorer Video

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Tuesday, January 30th

Do Now:
Summarize the theory of continental drift. What is the evidence for continental drift and why was the theory initally rejected?

Today in class we:
Reviewed homework
Discussed seafloor spreading
Worked on continental drift project

Homework due Thursday:
Have all continents glued down and cut out, answer review questions for project

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Friday, January 19th

Today in class we:
Took a quiz on Earth's interior and heat movement
Worked on convection current worksheet
Participated in a lab that models the mantles plasticity

Homework due Tuesday
#3 on pg 17
Convection current worksheet
Observations and Conclusions from Characteristics of the mantle lab

Friday, January 19, 2007

Wednesday, January 17th

Do Now:
How do you think heat or energy moves from one place to another? Give an example that you encounter in your daily life.

Today in class we:
Discussed heat transfer
Discussed 3 types of heat transfer: radiation, convection, conduction

Quiz on Friday over Section 1 material

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Friday, January 13th

Do Now:
What is the difference between continental crust and oceanic crust?

Today in class we:
Discussed characteristics of the crust, mantle including lithosphere and asthenosphere, outer and inner core
Worked on Earth Interior pie slice poster.

Homework due Wednesday
Pg 12 Math Analysis
Finished Earth Interior pie slice poster including: divisions for all Earth layers, labeled layers, and depths below the surface for each layer.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Monday, January 8th

Do Now:
1. Set a goal grade for yourself for 3rd quarter
2. List 3 specific ways in which you will accomplish your goal.
3. List at least one thing Ms. Virkus can do to help you accomplish your goal.

Today in class we:
Set and discussed goal grades for 3rd quarter
Handed out text books
Seat assignments
Discuss evidence geologists have for Earth's interior
Began Earth's interior diagram project

Homework due Wednesday:
Section Review pg 13, #1-2