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Sunday, February 25, 2007

Monday February 26th and Wednesday, February 28th

In class you will be working on an Earthquake Webquest (click link to download a copy)

Homework due Tuesday, March 4th:

Read pg 162-175 and complete section 1 and 2 review, all.
Completed Earthquake Webquest

Extra Credit:

Writing in Science on pg 175; write a one page news report following the guidelines on pg 175. You will give the report to the class next week. Due Tuesday.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Tuesday, February 21st

Field Trip to Imiloa Astronomy Center of Hawaii

Update on last week events:

Tuesday: Test on Earth's Interior and Plate Tectonics

Thursday: Watched first part of the movie "The Core"

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Wednesday, February 7th

Do Now:
1. Draw a convection current. Label the hottest, coldest, most dense and least dense parts of the current
2.Explain 3 pieces of evidence for seafloor spreading . Explain where the youngest and oldest ocean crust forms.
3. Draw 3 tupes of plate boundaries. Give a real life example of each boundary type. Tell what type of landform or event is associated with each plate boundary.

Today in class we:
Worked on Push Those Plate Tectonics Lab

Finish Lab write up and turn in on Friday
Finish plotting earthquake and volcano points on Plate Tectonic activity due Friday

Plate Tectonics Test Review

Monday, February 05, 2007

Monday, February 5th Plate Tectonics

Do Now: What are crustal plates? Name three types of plate boundaries and explain how they move.

Today in class we:
Discussed divergent, convergent (ocean-ocean, ocean-continent, and continent-continent), and transform plate boundaries.
Began work on plotting earthquakes and volcanoes activity

Upcoming schedule:
Wednesday: Plate Tectonic Lab
Friday: Review for test
Tuesday: Test on Earth's interior and Plate Tectonics

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Thursday, February 1st Sea Floor Spreading

Do Now:
Diagram sea floor spreading. Label all parts including rift zone, spreading direction, oldest and youngest crust, mantle, ocean crust, continental crust

Today in class we:
Discussed evidence for seafloor spreading
Discussed recycling of ocean crust through subduction

Questions 1-3 on pg 36 due Monday

* For more on sea floor spreading check out the following websites
Essentials of Geology Animations
NOAA Ocean Explorer Video