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Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Wednesday, September 27th

Today in class we:
Worked in jigsaw groups on chosen geologic era
Broke into new groups to teach and learn about the different geologic eras
Introduced Geologic Time Travel project

Find one additional source of information for your geologic time scale
Complete worksheets on collected research data and brochure design

Monday, September 25, 2006

Monday, September 25th

Do Now:How have scientist’s ideas of early Earth changed?
What findings contributed to scientists new ideas?
How is this an example of the scientific method?

Today in class we:
- Reviewed the divisions of geologic time
- Picked eras for research and project
- Worked on jigsaw reading of chosen era

Homework for Wednesday
- Finish reading on chosen era, pick out important events and place on the time scale
_ Be prepared to present to jigsaw group on Wednesday

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Wednesday, September 13th

Do Now: What are some ways in which we measure time? List at least 5 ways in which we measure time and give an example of an event that would be measured by that unit of time.

Today in class we:
Discussed measurements of time from nanoseconds to eons and days to light years
Discussed geologic time scale
Worked on metric system lab

Reminder: Notebooks due on Friday, homework is to complete any late or missing work and organize binder to turn in.
You will have classtime Friday to finish metric lab, anything not finished will be up to you to do during lunch or afterschool.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Monday, September 11th

Do Now:
What metric units would you use to measure the following: weight of an ant, glass of lemonade, trip to New York, your height, the water in a catchment tank, a car, weight of a baseball.

In class today we:
Discussed lab techniques for measuring volume: read from bottom of meniscus, measuring volume of irregular object
Worked on metric labs

* Reminder to all students, binders will be collected on Friday. Be sure everything is organized, labeled, dated, and completed by Friday

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Tuesday, September 5th

Today in class we:
- Handed back and reviewed test
- Self evaluated quarter progress: how are you doing? What can you be doing better? How are you progressing toward your quarter goal.
- Handed out Metric Mania Lab sheets
- Discussed Metric System, base units, metric ladder, and rules for conversion

Make test corrections on seperate paper and place behind test in tests and quizzes section of binder