8th grade Earth Science
Teacher: Mrs. Koessler Email: kkoessler@owatonna.k12.mn.us
Room: 310 Class site: http://ojhsearthscience.blogspot.com/
Course Description:
Welcome 8th graders to Earth Science class! In this class you will be exploring the very dynamic abiotic world around you from the deepest depths of the Earth to the farthest reaches of the universe. As a class, we will explore the processes that govern the Earth such as weather systems, plate tectonics, astronomy, and the water cycle. You will be challenged to think like a geologist and read stories from the rocks and landforms around you. In this class, we will also look specifically at the geology of Minnesota.
Text books will be primarily used as an in class resource. There will be times however that you will be asked to take a book home to complete homework. You will be assigned a book to take home and will be expected to take care of it and return it in a timely manner.
- To develop an understanding and appreciation of the process that governs the Earth’s surface.
- To develop an understanding and appreciation for Earth’s resources.
- To conduct scientific investigations using skills of scientific inquiry.
- To prepare students for the responsibilities associated with science, society, and technology.
- To develop critical thinking, and lifelong learning skills
Required Materials:
It is expected that students come to class each day with the following items as well as their assigned text book.
- 1 ½ inch binder for science use only
- Loose leaf paper
- 5 Labeled Dividers: Science Starters, Class Notes, Homework, Labs, Tests and Quizzes,
- Black or blue ink pens (work done in other colored ink will not be accepted)
- #2 Pencils
- Daily planner
Expectations and Guidelines:
Please read the class expectations and guidelines carefully to ensure a highly successful year in science class.
Safety: Safety in this class is a number 1 priority. During lab activities we will be using tools and equipment that can be harmful if used inappropriately. For this reason, horseplay and unsafe behavior is strictly prohibited and will result in loss of lab privileges.
Participation: This class includes class discussion, activities, labs, and group work. Student participation is essential for success in this class and is a part of their grade.
Respect: You are expected to show respect for yourself, your classmates, and your teacher by:
- Being seated and ready to begin class with your text, homework, and supplies when the bell rings.
- Showing courtesy at all times by listening to class directives, allowing classmates time to think and speak, and being recognized by the teacher before you speak or leave your seat.
- Using all class materials and tools as if they were your own.
- Leaving your desk and lab area clean and ready for the next class.
Responsibility: Students are responsible for their success in this class. All students can be successful in this class by:
- Participating in all class activities and discussions.
- Spending 15 minutes nightly reviewing class notes, vocabulary, assigned reading, and homework.
- Completing and turning in all assigned homework at the beginning of class the day it is due.
Homework, Late work, Absences:
Homework: Homework will be accepted for full credit on the day that it is due. Students are encouraged to turn in work, even when late, for a maximum of 60% credit. Keep up with class assignments on the web: http://ojhsearthscience.blogspot.com/
Absences: Students who are absent from school are responsible for checking with the teacher for assignments and arranging a timeline for handing in missed work. Students should also check the homework website during their absence.
General Topic Outline:
Nature of Science Earthquakes and Volcanoes
Matter Atmosphere, Climate and Weather
Rock and Minerals Astronomy
Plate Tectonics
Student grades will be calculated based on the following system:
Assignments 15% (homework, practice and review)
Classwork and Labs 35% (activities, projects and labs done in class)
Tests and Quizzes 30% (weekly quizzes and end of unit tests)
Participation 20% ( preparation for class, science starters, positive contributions to class)
Check Infinite Campus at least once a week for an update on your assignments and current grade