Team Endeavor Information & Policies
en-deav-or (n): a conscientious effort toward a desired goal
Endeavor Teachers
Katie Coudron Language Arts/Team Leader
Kent Buryska Global/Social Studies
Katie Koessler Science
Amy Thompson Math
Lynn Jensen Special Services
Kent Buryska Global/Social Studies
Katie Koessler Science
Amy Thompson Math
Lynn Jensen Special Services
General Class Expectations: All of your teachers, on and off team, expect you to uphold the values of the OJHS. This includes respectful behavior when guest teachers are in our classrooms as well. In our classes, this means you will:
*be on time
*have homework completed
*have all your materials (class binder, agenda book, AR book, pencils)
*use passing time for locker/bathroom/social needs
*respect yourself, others, and property
*have homework completed
*have all your materials (class binder, agenda book, AR book, pencils)
*use passing time for locker/bathroom/social needs
*respect yourself, others, and property
Inappropriate behavior will result in consequences. Severe behavior issues will be referred directly to the office.
Assignment Expectations: As a team of teachers, we do our best to balance the work load given to students. Some days or weeks will be heavier than others. Students can expect to have math work to complete daily as well as 30 minutes of outside reading; a weekly current event share will happen in Social. Other daily assignments and extended projects will vary.
Late work is frowned upon. We expect all work to be completed in a timely matter. Assignments are given with a purpose for learning and it is expected that all work be completed. Skipping an assignment is NOT an option! We will clearly communicate assignments and due dates; when a student fails to meet these expectations, lower grades and/or loss of individual privileges will occur.
One free late assignment coupon will be given each trimester, plus a 4th bonus coupon to be used as needed. Turn in the coupon with a late assignment for full credit; you must get prior approval from the teacher to use this. Unused coupons may be turned in for extra credit at the end of each trimester.
We understand that “Life Happens.” Please communicate with us (as soon as possible!) if a late assignment is beyond your control. We can work out a solution together.
Infinite Campus & Grading: As a team, we make a concerted effort to keep grades current. Please use Infinite Campus as a tool to check grades and upcoming assignments. Students and parents each have log-in access. It is expected that students will check their Infinite Campus Portal. Access will be available at school if it is not available at home. If you do not know your username and password, please contact the District Office.
Grading, continued: The following key will help when checking Infinite Campus grades:
blank assignment has not been graded yet
M missing assignment – affecting the grade as a ZERO – work needs to be turned in
M missing assignment – affecting the grade as a ZERO – work needs to be turned in
0 (zero) no credit was earned because assignment was not turned in or deadline has passed
Please note that sometimes teachers will list additional notes on assignments that can all be seen in detail on Campus. **Assignments that are turned in late will not be immediately updated in the gradebook. Please be patient and contact us if you have concerns.
Absences: If you’re sick, stay home and get better! Parents can call the office to request work to be sent home but students are still responsible for CHECKING with each teacher UPON RETURN to make sure all necessary work is made up. You will get *roughly* 2 days for each day you are gone to make up the work.
If you know you’re going to be gone ahead of time (doctor, orthodontist, vacation, etc)… notify the office, tell your teachers, and collect work to do before you leave. Please still CHECK when you GET BACK to make sure we didn’t miss anything. It is expected that you complete this work as soon as possible.
If you’re missing classes because of sports or other school-related activities please follow these guidelines:
1. ALWAYS notify the teacher(s) ahead of time that you will be absent.
2. Work due the day you will be absent must be turned in BEFORE you leave for the activity. Work not turned in will be considered late.
3. Students will be dismissed from class at the designated time only. Students will not be allowed to leave early or return late.
4. Music lesson time is borrowed from other classes. Music lessons will need to be
rescheduled (make up lessons) if they fall on the day of a test or an in class activity.
Students must communicate ahead of time with all teachers involved.
rescheduled (make up lessons) if they fall on the day of a test or an in class activity.
Students must communicate ahead of time with all teachers involved.
Cheating: Cheating on any assignment, project, quiz, or test will result in a zero for that particular activity. Cheating includes: copying from another student, plagiarizing from any source, communication during independent activities, etc.
Tardy Policy: Students not in the room or in their seats when class begins will be marked tardy in our Infinite Campus system. Excessive tardies will result in disciplinary action from the office.
Field Trips: Students will have the opportunity to experience multiple field trips throughout the school year. These trips are a privilege and allow for academic and personal growth. Students may become ineligible for field trips if school performance or behavior is in question. This will be communicated to students and parents as needed.
Student Recognition: Students will be chosen each week for positive contributions to the team. These students will be highlighted in our weekly announcements and be part of a celebration at the end of each 6-week block.
Agenda Book: Students will be required to record their daily assignments and class activities in their agenda books each day. This is a great way for parents to know what is happening in class! Agenda books are also student passes for locker/bathroom needs during class. Use passes wisely! Students are only allowed 2 passes/day.
Accelerated Reader: The AR program is designed to encourage students to read and track comprehension progress. All teachers will expect students to have their AR books in class, as opportunities to read always appear!
Accelerated Reader: The AR program is designed to encourage students to read and track comprehension progress. All teachers will expect students to have their AR books in class, as opportunities to read always appear!
Homebase: Homebase is an organized start to the day that allows students and staff to connect & have breakfast. It is a flexible time used for many activities throughout the year. Because of this, it is not a reliable time for homework.
Please sign & return the bottom portion. Thank You!
Please check one of the boxes below
I know my Infinite Campus username & password
I need help getting or resetting my Campus username & password
(Print name(s) clearly) ____________________________________________________
(Print name(s) clearly) ____________________________________________________
Signing below means you have read and understood the ENDEAVOR TEAM policies:
________________________________ __________________________________ ______parent/guardian signature student signature date