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Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Tuesday, January 30th

Do Now:
Summarize the theory of continental drift. What is the evidence for continental drift and why was the theory initally rejected?

Today in class we:
Reviewed homework
Discussed seafloor spreading
Worked on continental drift project

Homework due Thursday:
Have all continents glued down and cut out, answer review questions for project

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Friday, January 19th

Today in class we:
Took a quiz on Earth's interior and heat movement
Worked on convection current worksheet
Participated in a lab that models the mantles plasticity

Homework due Tuesday
#3 on pg 17
Convection current worksheet
Observations and Conclusions from Characteristics of the mantle lab

Friday, January 19, 2007

Wednesday, January 17th

Do Now:
How do you think heat or energy moves from one place to another? Give an example that you encounter in your daily life.

Today in class we:
Discussed heat transfer
Discussed 3 types of heat transfer: radiation, convection, conduction

Quiz on Friday over Section 1 material

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Friday, January 13th

Do Now:
What is the difference between continental crust and oceanic crust?

Today in class we:
Discussed characteristics of the crust, mantle including lithosphere and asthenosphere, outer and inner core
Worked on Earth Interior pie slice poster.

Homework due Wednesday
Pg 12 Math Analysis
Finished Earth Interior pie slice poster including: divisions for all Earth layers, labeled layers, and depths below the surface for each layer.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Monday, January 8th

Do Now:
1. Set a goal grade for yourself for 3rd quarter
2. List 3 specific ways in which you will accomplish your goal.
3. List at least one thing Ms. Virkus can do to help you accomplish your goal.

Today in class we:
Set and discussed goal grades for 3rd quarter
Handed out text books
Seat assignments
Discuss evidence geologists have for Earth's interior
Began Earth's interior diagram project

Homework due Wednesday:
Section Review pg 13, #1-2