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Monday, August 27, 2007

August 27th

Do Now:
What are contour lines and contour intervals. What do they tell us about the landscape of an area?

Today in class we:
- Discussed features of a topographic map: contour intervals, map features (hills, slope, rivers, depressions)
- Worked with and practiced measuring in degrees, minutes, and seconds.

Degrees and Minutes practice worksheet

Extra Credit opportunity
Lunar Eclipse Viewing or Research Opportunity

Option 1:
- View the lunar eclipse
- Record the date, time, weather conditions, and observations for the evening
- Make 5 sketches of the eclipse noting the time and observations about the moon.

Option 2:
- Research and write a one page summary of lunar eclipses that answers these questions
1. What is a lunar eclipse?
2. When was the last time the United States saw a total lunar eclipse?
3. How often do they occur?
- Make a drawing of a lunar eclipse that includes the sun, moon, and Earth

Thursday, August 23, 2007

August 23rd

Do Now:
How do cartographers express elevation and relief on a flat map? Be a cartographer and draw a map that shows these characteristics of topography.

Today in class we:
- Handed back and reviewed quiz
- Began discussion of topographic maps

Homework due Monday:
- Read Section 4 in Chapter 1 and answer Questions 1-3 at the end of the section

Thursday, August 16, 2007

August 16th

Do Now:
1. You are going on a hike in the Rocky Mountains. You want to see how far two peaks are apart. The scale on your map reads 1:10000 and you measure 8cm on your map. How far apart are the peaks in km?
8cm x 10,000 = 80,000cm 80,000cm x 1m/100cm x 1km/1000m = .8km
2. To hike to the top of the first peak you would travel from 1000m in elevation to a peak height of 12,500m over 5km. What is the relief of the journey and what is the slope of the hike?
12,500-1000 = 11,500m relief
slope = 11,500m/ 5000m = 2.3 slope

Today in class we:
Discussed latitude and longitude, practiced plotting points on a grid system

Mapping the world activity
Study Chapter 1 Sections 1 and 2 for quiz on Tuesday

Sunday, August 12, 2007

August 10th

Do Now:
What kinds of information can you get from a map? How do maps differ from globes?

Today in class we:
- Reviewed and finished the Nile River Profile project
- discussed maps, keys, and scale

Homework due Tuesday 8/14
Read Chapter 1 section 2 (exclude map projections)
Answer questions 1, 2, 4 of the section 2 assessment

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

August 8th

Do Now:
Draw a landform with high relief; a landform with low relief.
What does it mean to have high elevation and high relief? What about high elevation and low relief?

Today in class we discussed:
Relief and topography
Worked on graphing the profile of the Nile River

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Monday, August 6th

Do Now:
Make 4 columns labeled Air, Water, Space, and Land. List as many things as you can under each column that relate to the study of Earth Science.

In class today we:
- discussed the study of Earth Science
- seating assignment
- discussed topography as it relates to relief, elevation, and landforms

Homework: Due Wed. 8/8
- Read pg 6-10
- Section 1 Assessment (pg10) 1-2 all

Friday, August 03, 2007

Welcome Back Students

Welcome to Earth Science Class!

Do Now for 8/2
Who Are You?
1. Tell me one thing you did this summer?
2. Tell me one thing you are hoping to learn in this class?
3. Tell me one thing you like to do outside of class?

Grade Contract
1. What grade will you strive to earn for 1st quarter?
2. Give 3 specific ways in which you work toward your grade goal.
3. Give 3 specific ways that Ms. Virkus can help you achieve this goal.

Homework due Monday 8/6
- Cover text book
- Return signed parent letter
- Bring all materials to class