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Tuesday, September 18, 2007

September 18th

Do Now:
How do geologists gather evidence about the events that have occurred throughout Earth's History?

Today in class we:
- Discussed geologic time
- Discussed evidence for geologic events
- Introduced Geologic Time Travel Project
- Worked on personal time line

Homework: Finish personal time line activity

Monday, September 10, 2007

September 10th

Do Now (on given graph paper)
1. Your map is a 7.5 minute quadrangle. Label the range of your maps latitude and longitude.
2. Orient your map to North and draw in the cardinal directions.
3. Draw contour lines that follow these specifications.
a. Highest elevation = 1200m
b. Lowest elevation = 600m
c. Contour interval = 20 m
d. A river runs from the NW corner to the E edge of the map
e. There is a hill in the NW corner of the map
f. A road runs along the S border of the map
g. There is a small town in the SE corner of the map
4. Include a key for your map

Today in class we:
Reviewed for Wednesday's Mapping Earth's surface test

Wednesday morning review session: 7:15 to the bell
- Bring some breakfast to share
- Come prepared with questions

Thursday, September 06, 2007

September 6th

Do Now:
Label the parts of a compass
1. What are the degrees associated with the cardinal directions?
2. Draw 3 landform features you may find on a topographic map.
3. Describe how you would orient a map to North in order to take an accurate bearing reading.

Today in class we:
Worked on Hilo Map Lab
Worked on Map and Compass activity

Homework due Monday
- Chapter 1: Maps Review Sheet
- Hilo Map Lab

* Upcoming: Test on Chapter 1 on Wednesday

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Tuesday, September 4th

Today in class we:
- Reviewed topographic map features and reading skills
- Learned the parts of a compass, taking a bearing, and using the map and compass together
- Practiced map and compass work

Upcoming events
- Thursday: Finish Reading Hilo Map Lab
*Practice map and compass work
- Monday: Review for Map test
- Wednesday: Map test