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Thursday, November 27, 2008

Geologic Time Project

Today we began work on our geologic time brochure or poster project.
- We chose time periods to research
- Discussed the various eons, eras, and periods that exist in Earth's history
- Began researching our time periods.

Due Dates
A2: Tuesday, December 2
B6: Wednesday, December 3

Read Lucky Strike Article and answer questions on reading review

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Radioactive Decay

Today in class we discussed:
- Radioactive elements
- Use of radioactive elements in determining the absolute age of rocks
- What is a half-life?
- The role of Potassium 40 and Carbon 14 in dating rocks and fossils.

Worked on Radiometric Dating Activity

Homework due Wednesday/Thursday
Finish lab and study for quiz on geologic time

Sunday, November 16, 2008


Today in class we:
Discussed the role of unconformities in reading the rock record
Discussed the role of fossils and index fossils in reading the rock record

Worked on stratigraphy activity (due at end of class)

Due Tuesday:
Finish Skills Lab on pg 122: Analyze and Conclude and More to Explore

Monday, November 03, 2008

A2: Relative and Absolute Time

Do Now:
Define relative and absolute time. Give an example of each

Today in class we:
Discussed the difference between relative and absolute time
Discussed how sedimentary rocks, igneous rocks, and faults can tell us about events in Earth's history
Worked on "This is your life" Sequencing Activity

Homework due Thursday:
Read Section 2 pg 117-121, answer questions 1-3 on pg 121
Finish Sequencing activity worksheet