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Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Tuesday, April 3rd

Today in class we:
Discussed extra credit opportunities (see below)
Reviewed Earthquake quizzes
Worked on Seismic wave activity (due Thursday)
New homework logs and grade checks

Extra credit opportunities

1. Build a seismograph - follow directions on pg 66 of the textbook
Bring in seismograph and complete the lab analysis and conclusion
seismograph must be no larger than 12 x 12 inches
Due Friday, April 13th

Build an Earthquake Machine

See building specificiations at Earthquake Machine
Due Friday, April 13th

3. Earth Day Fair Poster exhibit
Create a poster on lightweight posterboard that examines a conservation or environmental topic of your choice. Your poster should be a well done, finished product that informs the public about your topic. Some research and planning should go into this project
Due Wednesday, April 11th

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